Interesting links and partners of the Melody Learning Center

Trauma Buster Technique — Maya de Vries

The Trauma Buster Tech­nique is a clever combi­na­tion of meri­dian tapping and NLP formats (Neuro­lin­gu­i­stic Programming). The tech­nique imple­ments the latest rese­arch on trauma and findings about the neuro­pla­s­ti­city of the brain. TBT can be learned and applied both as a thera­peutic tech­nique and a self-help tool.

EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Courses

EFT trai­ning courses are available to all without the need for prior know­ledge or back­ground know­ledge. You can learn these amazing self-help skills, for friends and family, to start a new career, or you can combine them with just about any other therapy. Karl Dawson is the Trai­ning Director of the EFT and Matrix Reimprin­ting Academy (EFTMRA), the world’s largest EFT Certi­fi­ca­tion Body with 6,000 prac­ti­tio­ners, over 80 EFT trai­ners and 25 Matrix Reimprin­ting trai­ners. Over the past 15 years, Karl has perso­nally trained more than 5,000 students in 25 count­ries in EFT.

autismus Rhein-Main e.V.

The regional asso­cia­tion Rhein-Main was founded in 1976 by parents of autistic children in Frank­furt. In 1977, our initia­tive laun­ched the Autism Therapy Insti­tute in Langen, where psycho­lo­gists and pedago­gues offer diagnosis and therapy. Today, our self-help asso­cia­tion has nearly 500 members and includes both parents and other rela­tives as well as profes­sio­nals and stakeholders.

ABA Therapy Resources

This is a coll­ec­tion of Internet and other resources that can be helpful to parents of children with PDD, PDD-NOS, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, or hyper­lexia. All infor­ma­tion pertains to teaching methods, which are a branch of Applied Beha­vior Analysis (ABA) called beha­vi­oral therapy

Contrapunkt Consult

After diagno­sing that your child is disabled or chro­ni­cally ill, nothing is the same as it was before. The promo­tion of the child is, of course, in the fore­ground and yet it is also about staying stable as a parent in the long term, to know and use their own resources and resources to meet the parti­cular chal­lenges of parenting.


ADHS-Studien ist eine große Samm­lung wissen­schaft­li­cher Publi­ka­tionen über ADHS. Infor­ma­tionen über die häufigsten Komor­bi­di­täten (Begleit­erkran­kungen) und einige Selbst­tests runden das Angebot ab. ADHS-Studien ist ein Projekt von Betrof­fenen für Betroffene. 


We can all rise above.
Some times it just takes a little tailwind.”

In addi­tion to autism-specific therapy and trai­ning, a beau­tiful photo-image card system is available for purchase here.

ABA Parents support group

We are an asso­cia­tion of parents with autistic children, who have opted for a therapy accor­ding to the ABA approach. The asso­cia­tion was founded in 2001 by affected parents to support and disse­mi­nate the therapy, which is still unknown in Switz­er­land, Applied Beha­vior Analysis (ABA). Since 2005 we are orga­nized as a club.

autismus deutsche schweiz (ads)

We are an inde­pen­dent, regional asso­cia­tion which, like the asso­cia­tions in Ticino and French-spea­king Switz­er­land, is part of the umbrella orga­niza­tion Autismus Schweiz.autismus deut­sche schweiz aims to promote the know­ledge and inte­rest in autism. autism deut­sche schweiz operates as compre­hen­sive as possible infor­ma­tion work in German and Rhaeto-Romanic Switz­er­land and supports affected people, their fami­lies and profes­sio­nals involved in all matters.

ABA Eltern

We are some parents of autistic children who use ABA mostly in combi­na­tion with verbal beha­vior and have had very good expe­ri­ences with it. We are about to start an asso­cia­tion. If you are inte­rested in a member­ship, please contact us.


Sprech​zimmer​.ch — The Health Portal for Consu­mers! The Swiss health portal www​.sprech​zimmer​.ch is visited by more than 350,000 people per month. The infor­ma­tion of consul­ta­tion rooms are prima­rily for your own health and the preven­tion of illness. Main contents of Sprech​zimmer​.ch: Exten­sive clinical pictures of A‑Z, prepared by experts; medical studies, for a broad audi­ence, as well as up-to-date infor­ma­tion on general health issues and the Swiss health­care system from neutral and reliable sources.

ABA Praxis

Mareike Overhof, Doctor and Board Certi­fied Beha­vior Analyst, supports fami­lies who want to promote their child to ABA / VB. In addi­tion, she offers lectures, semi­nars, in-house trai­ning and super­vi­sion for profes­sio­nals inte­rested in lear­ning the science of Applied Beha­vior Analysis and Verbal Behavior.

Hermann Danne Selbstverlag

Applied Beha­vior Analysis / Verbal Beha­vior (ABA / VB) is the most scien­ti­fi­cally rese­ar­ched and often most effec­tive approach to promo­ting and trea­ting people with autism. Nevert­heless, ABA / VB is little known in Germany. This book aims to bring the know­ledge of this method where it is most needed: to the affected parents and to educa­tors teaching children with autism.