What is EFT ?

The ques­tion “What is EFT tapping?” is a frequently asked ques­tion that can elicit a short or long answer. Craig Weiner, DC, EFT Prac­ti­tioner and Trainer does his best to provide the essen­tial infor­ma­tion in response to this ques­tion. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Tech­ni­ques. It is also commonly referred to as “tapping” because the tech­ni­ques involve gentle tapping or tapping with the finger­tips on the skin.

Studies on Emotional Freedom Techniques ( EFT )

Clinical EFT as an evidence-based prac­tice for the treat­ment of psycho­lo­gical and physio­lo­gical condi­tions: A syste­matic review

Befri­en­ding Anxiety to Reach Poten­tial: Stra­te­gies to Empower Our Gifted Youth

Effec­ti­ve­ness of a School-Based Emotional Freedom Tech­ni­ques Inter­ven­tion for Promo­ting Student Wellbeing

Inte­gra­ting the manual stimu­la­tion of acup­unc­ture points into psycho­the­rapy: A syste­matic review with clinical recommendations.
Fein­stein, D. (2022)

The Effects of a Thought Field Therapy Stress Reduc­tion Protocol on the Stress and Empathy.
Levels of Parents of Children with Autism Spec­trum Disorder

Multi­di­sci­pli­nary life­style inter­ven­tion in children and adole­s­cents — results of the project GRIT (Growth, Resi­li­ence, Insights, Thrive) pilot study

The Effec­ti­ve­ness of EFT for Impro­ving The Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health of People with Chronic Dise­ases and/or Mental Health Conditions

Six Empi­ri­cally-Supported Premises About Energy Psycho­logy:
Moun­ting Evidence for a Contro­ver­sial Therapy. David Fein­stein, PhD

How Do Energy Psycho­logy Moda­li­ties Work?
An Energy-Based Theo­re­tical Perspec­tive
Debra Greene, PhD

How EFT may be utili­zing memory recon­so­li­da­tion mecha­nisms for thera­peutic change in neuro­psych­ia­tric disor­ders such as PTSD and phobia.

Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Tech­ni­ques) Improves Multiple Physio­lo­gical Markers of Health.

Online Deli­very of Emotional Freedom Tech­ni­ques in the Treat­ment of Food Cravings and Weight Management.

Delinea­ting the psycho­lo­gical and beha­vi­oral factors of successful weight loss maintenance. 

Making sense of chronic disease using Emotional Freedom Tech­ni­ques (EFT): An exis­ten­tial view of illness.

Portion perfec­tion and Emotional Freedom Tech­ni­ques to assist baria­tric pati­ents post surgery: A rando­mised control trial.